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Castlemaine Police Station successfully blends old with new, thanks to Roberson Façade Systems

It was a case of old meets new with the upgrading, refurbishing and extension of the old Castlemaine Police Station, completed in October 2014. This functional, contemporary square building is still very much in keeping with the style and heritage of the buildings in the surrounding area.

The redevelopment of the Castlemaine Police station is a shining example of how Robertson’s Façade Systems cleverly and seamlessly links old with new, to create stunning, functional designs.

The $12million project on the corner of Hargraves and Templeton Streets, upgraded, refurbished and extended the original heritage building that housed Castlemaine’s police from 1921 to 1977, and was previously a Savings Bank built in 1855.

So, an important aim of the redevelopment was to create a new contemporary building that was completely functional, yet in keeping with other heritage buildings in town. As you can see, this goal was successfully achieved.

Robertson Facade's brick inlay system

Payne Pattenden Architects specified a concrete precast to construct the building, using Robertson’s Facade Systems Brick Inlay System with Rustic Red Brick Blend brick facing tiles. This provided the new building with a natural and historic clay finish for the police station’s external walls, which have an uncanny resemblance to surrounding heritage buildings first constructed up to 170 years ago.

brick inlay rustic red brick blend

For more information on the Castlemaine Police Station refurbishment, contact Robertson Façade Systems on +613 8199 9599.

Precaster: Inform Precast

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